Yes America, what happened? I just read a piece by Robert Riech concerning the 2nd Amendment and how it's been compromised. This a natural result of great wealth, concentrated in the hands of just a few. Corrupting a democratic process riddled with greedy politicians and aided by an equally greedy media. All play crucial roles, aptly pointed out by a great mind, to the consternation of us all. We are, as a people, need an open and effective government. As the constitution says, a government for and by the people. Not one controlled by monied interests. For all the power is then concentrated in the hands of just of few, whose narrow interests are just for them. Not the greatest way for a so-called 'Democracy' to operate. And we can now see how true that is.
Case in point. The current lengthy 18 month long Presidential campaign can only benefit the media itself. Since
the media, under the guise of keeping 'US' informed, charges outlandish sums of money for candidates to advertise themselves.. To think this has been allowed to happen goes against the grain, as it were, for any interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Were does it say in the Constitution that the media would be allowed
such a large influencing role in our nations governing process. And the two-party system.? Who does that benefit.? Certainly not 'US', the voters and taxpayers who agree to be governed by a truly open Democratic
Unfortunately Robert Riech, who authored this fine piece, is twice removed from government service himself.
Having served in our nations capitol, people will say he has his own agenda. Probably right, but it still doesn't
dilute the truth he writes about. Mores the pity, since the truth, as they say, can set us free..............................
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